Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Off to a fabulous start!

Not that I am going to report in every day, but just wanted to quickly let you know that we survived Day One of being full-time missionaries. We've had a great day and are now relaxing in the Provo Marriott Hotel! There are so many senior missionaries at the Training Center that they sent half of us to the Marriott. Tough duty, but someone has to do it.

I was assigned to be the district leader of four couples. My first duty was to have everyone swap cell phone numbers. We have been instructed to keep our phones on vibrate while we are here. Quite different than what they are telling the young missionaries.

In our first orientation meeting, the mission president said, "We have a great toy store here in Provo. It's called Blickenstaff's. It's Jeremy and Chrissy's." Then he looked at us and said, "And you are Jeremy's parents aren't you?"

"Yes," we replied.

He said, "That is quite obvious. We did not know you were coming but we are so glad that you are here."

Free advertising! Jeff would be proud.

About 2/3 of the senior missionaries in our group of 102 are called to work in European Youth Centers, on Military bases in the U.S. or college campuses. That tells you how important the young single adults are to the Lord.

We've had two meals in the famous MTC cafeteria and I enjoyed them both. They even serve Coke here (caffeine free, of course). I managed to leave one suit home, lose my missionary journal and have a pen melt down and bleed ink all over my hand. Tomorrow I will probably get kicked out for leaving my brain home.

One of our speakers today congratulated us on going on a mission so quickly after Elder Holland called for thousands more senior missionaries last Saturday night. I am thankful to be here and to really like my companion. It's supposed to snow this week in Timber Lakes so I am glad we are here, and not shoveling snow.

Sister Blickenstaff and I do not know what we are doing, but that is not going to keep us from doing it.

Elder Blickenstaff


We had an amazing first day in the MTC!!! What an incredible place! What an army of amazing young women, young men and older folks. :D this is!!! We're definitely some of the younger bucks and buck-ettes here, and we are definitely in the top 2 for amazing places to be called on a mission. We feel truly humbled and blessed. The spirit is so strong here!!! There is such a great feeling of being a part of something grand! A couple of Elders cleared our trays after both lunch and dinner. (So very sweet and polite) holding the doors open for us . . . (such gentlemen!) We had some great introductory meetings. Started plowing through Preach My Gospel and reading over all the information that we were given. There were 102 senior missionaries that checked in today. The most that they've ever had in one week. Pretty cool to be a part of that statistic! Tomorrow is when the real training will begin. We're going to do some role playing in the next few days. (Not my favorite thing to do) never did like play acting, and they are going to film us! We will be talking with "investigators" and they will critique us. Yikes! We're here now at the Marriott getting unpacked and settled in for the next two weeks.

Sister Blickenstaff

1 comment:

  1. You guys are going to be the best missionaries ever! The youth in Scotland and Ireland aren't going to even know what hit em. :) Something (or someone) awesome, that's what. I love you and I'm excited for you to be able to start this journey.
