This may or may not be the last entry I am allowed to post to this blog. Since none of my posts are actually worth reading, it really won’t matter one way or the other. In any case, here is the second half of my extremely valuable mission photograph collection. (You may notice that my second half is larger than my first half. This is made possible, in part, by a Title IX grant to San Juan High School, in Blanding, Utah, where I learned my maths.)
So am I
I always knew there was a connection between ozone depletion and toilets - also note that drinking is not permitted in the ozone or the toilet
Me too
Love you too
When we found this helpful tip in the owner’s manual of our mission car we stopped parking on paper, gunpowder, napalm and marshmallows
This sign would make sense if it was somewhere helpful, but we had been driving for 3 hours when we came upon this helpful reminder
He don’t look like slow children to me. However, that is not the point. This is the point: in Northern Ireland, the school crossing sign clearly shows an older sister protecting her younger brother from running out into the street ...
... whilst in the Republic of Ireland, the school crossing sign clearly shows an older brother pushing his younger sister into the street
Could there be a third half? You do the maths, but with posts like this, I’m sure I will be back by popular demand. Maybe.
Elder Blickenstaff