Monday, February 18, 2013

Each Picture Is Worth About 1,250 British Pounds

Dear Reader:

I am in cleanup mode, with a list of bloggy things to which I haven’t yet gotten. However, rather than impress you with yet something else I know nothing about, I will, instead, share with you my large collection of strange  photographs during the course of our mission. Here then, is one half of the best photos we have taken. If you figure that it would cost you about £1,250 to hire a technical writer to produce one thousands words for you in a document, it follows that each picture is worth about that much.

This is an extra wide Tardis

I buy Spudmuckers just to read the package

Great logo (see the oars)

In Northern Ireland, these two things just seem to go together

Nothing says Merry Christmas like a Welsh hog

I gotta get me some of that

Trust me, you don’t want to miss this

Smart kid

This is very helpful - I just don’t know why

The missionaries or the toy store?

I gotta get me some of that

This looks like a safe place to drive

I always wondered what happened to him after Sherlock Holmes put him away

I gotta get me some of that


By the time you read this sign it’s too late

This is why we ride

Bad dog

Good dog

Why not?

Not everything is bigger in Texas

Everything tastes better when you add giant cans of tuna and corn

The national drink of Scotland, on tap at Costco in Edinburgh

Everything is bigger in Biggar

Now you tell us

This is our lowest price burial plot

We had too many so we just got rid of one

We found this near the top of a mountain, apparently left over from Noah’s Ark

No problem, I usually bathe at home anyway - Note Darren in the foreground and the Egyptian pyramids in the background


By my calculations, you have just viewed photographs worth a total of £37,500 ($60,000). I’m sure you would rather have had the money and skipped the photos. Sorry, they’re not for sale.

Elder Blickenstaff